Robotic bending cell system for automatic robot press brake of sheet metal
The protagonist of automation Robotic Bending Solutions:
Primapress cnc press brakes can be used in a robotic cell, either completely robotic, or when a robot and an operator can alternatively use the CNC machines.
Thanks to the Primapress Bending robot and automatic loading/unloading devices, the cell with two levels of automation – process and operation – is a reliable solution for unattended production, even at night.
All risks associated with part handling during bending are faced by the robot and not by the operator.
The primapress Robotic bending cell system can be equipped with different types of loading and unloading connections, depending on the client’s production requirements.
•Loader from a precentred pack.
•Loader from a Cartesian feeder in masked time.
•Cartesian feeder with controlled axes.
•Feeder/unloader for connection in line with primapress systems.
•Carousel unloader.
•Roller-surface unloader for pallets.
•Roller-surface unloader for pallets and crates.
•Un-intrusive machine integration with sensors to back gauge fingers and bending beam which follow the programmed sequence of the Primapress press brake.
Automated robotic press brake cell auto Sheet metal bending machine robot